If you haven’t already created an account, go to https://app.recaseai.com and sign up!

Step 1: Initialize an example Recase project

mkdir first-workflow && cd first-workflow
npx recaseai init
  • This will prompt you to log in if you haven’t already done so.
  • A workflow.ts file will be created. This is where you’ll write your workflow.

You can define any environment variables in .env, and install packages using npm i <package_name> as normal!

Step 2: Edit workflow.ts

This file is where you’ll write your workflow.

import recase from "recaseai";

export default recase.workflow({
  id: "Say Hello",

  inputs: {
    firstName: {
      name: "First Name",
      type: "string",

  run: async ({ inputs }: any) => {
    recase.log(`Hello ${inputs.firstName}!`);

There are 3 parts to your workflow:

  1. id: This is the name of your workflow. It will be displayed in the Recase Dashboard and used when you run the workflow.
  2. inputs: These are the inputs to your workflow when it runs. A UI will be generated for these on the Recase web app.
  3. run: This is where you define the logic of your workflow. You can use helper modules from the recaseai package such as log, llm, llmStructured, and more!

Step 3: Deploy

npx recaseai deploy --file workflow.ts

Deploying your workflow is as simple as running the deploy command and specifying the path to the file to deploy.

Step 4: Running your workflow

Workflows can be run in 3 ways:

  1. On the Recase Dashboard
  1. Invoked via natural language on Slack.
  1. Through our API [Coming soon!]


You’ve now successfully built, deployed and ran your first workflow—hopefully in under 5 minutes! To create another, simply define it in another <filename>.ts file.

This was a simple example. Recase is flexible and works best when combined with internal scripts and tools to handle complex workflows.

Here are some other examples of workflows you can build:

  • Refunding a customer and emailing them with the refund details. /rc refund payment_239478239
  • Pulling data and summarizing what happened. /rc why was transaction payment_239478239 declined?
  • Booking PTO /rc book annual leave from next friday to 20th September

We currently provide out-of-the-box integrations with AI models, and APIs to help interact with them. We will be adding more integrations over time. Write to us at founders@recaseai.com if you have one in mind!